Saturday, November 26, 2011

How many of these things have I made?

It's crazy how many blogs I've been through over the years. There were the long-ago Xanga days, my failed attempt at joining the live journal community, and now I spend a lot of time as a troll-- not an internet troll, a three billy goats gruff troll, the kind that just sits under bridges and grumbles-- on Tumblr.

So why this one?

Well, blogspot seemed like a good place to be, and once I realized it would be linked in with my google account (as everything seems to be these days) I thought it could be something I actually stuck with.

I'm not really sure as to whether I should start this as an introductory post or if I should just delve straight into the nitty gritty, because if I'm going to be honest with myself right now, I've struggled with interacting with the online community ever since my HPANA-based friend forum closed down after the middle of my freshman year of high school, which, scarily enough, was six years ago.

Wow that was a long sentence.

Is this thing going to be automatically connected to my Google+ account? ...


Let's see. Intro-y things... I'm a 20 year old college student, majoring in political science, minoring in German. I play the trumpet but I don't take it terribly seriously, and I was fortunate enough to find a strong marching band program at the school I'm currently attending.

I love traveling. I love it. I only got my passport when I was sixteen, but since then, I've been to Ireland three times, England twice, I participated in a homestay program in Germany and went back to visit last spring. I've visited Northern Ireland, The Netherlands, The Czech Republic, Italy, and France, and studied abroad for two non-consecutive semesters in Scotland, and I've had my heart set on living there ever since.

I love learning, and reading about everything. I soak up knowledge like Bounty-- go ahead and call me the Quilted Quicker-Picker Upper. I'd love to appear on the collegiate edition of Jeopardy because it's child play compared to the Quiz Bowl League I participated in during high school. I'm trying my best to become the avid reader I was up until college, and books remain to be the one thing that eats through my income.

I've been dating a pretty awesome girl for the past eight months who embraces all of my crazy full-throttle, which is, in my opinion, amazing. :)

Well, then. Introductory post it was.

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